Trends in Maritime Higher Education
The Trends in Maritime Higher Education publication, is an occasional series of focused analysis prepared by the Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission staff. The audience for this publication is the Commission's stakeholders in general, with a particular focus on institutions, governments, and students.
The Class of 2018 in 2024: Profile of First-Degree Holders and Methodological Notes. Volume 22, Number 2, Fredericton, NB; February 2025.
Annual Digest: University Enrolment 2023-2024. Volume 22, Number 1, Fredericton, NB; January 2025.
Annual Digest: University Enrolment 2022-2023. Volume 21, Number 2, Fredericton, NB; January 2024.
The Class of 2020 in 2022: Post-Graduation Pathways of First-Degree Holders. Volume 21, Number 1, Fredericton, NB; January 2024.
Class of 2020: Borrowing and Debt Two Years After Graduation. Volume 20, Number 4, Fredericton, NB; November 2023.
The Class of 2020 in 2022: Profile of First-Degree Holders and Methodological Notes. Volume 20, Number 3, Fredericton, NB; March 2023.
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Degree Progression. Volume 20, Number 2, Fredericton, NB; March 2023.
Annual Digest: University Enrolment 2021-2022. Volume 20, Number 1, Fredericton, NB; January 2023.
The First-Year University Student Population in the Maritimes: 2018-2019 and 2021-2022. Volume 19, Number 4, Fredericton, NB; December 2022.
Related Information:
- 2019 First-Year Maritime University Students (Comparison Report)
- 2022 First-Year Maritime University Students (Comparison Report)
International Students in Maritime Universities 2010-2011 to 2020-2021. Volume 19, Number 3, Fredericton, NB; October 2022.
Class of 2018 in 2020: The University Experience of Recent Bachelor’s Graduates. Volume 19, Number 2, Fredericton, NB; June 2022.
Annual Digest: University Enrolment 2020-2021. Volume 19, Number 1, Fredericton, NB; January 2022.
The Class of 2018 in 2020: Profile of First-Degree Holders and Methodological Notes. Volume 18, Number 3, Fredericton, NB; April 2021.
University enrolment during the COVID-19 pandemic. Volume 18, Number 2, Fredericton, NB; March 2021.
Related Tables:
- 2020-2021 preliminary enrolment statistics
Annual Digest: University Enrolment 2019-2020. Volume 18, Number 1, Fredericton, NB; January 2021.
Class of 2012 Maritime University Graduates: Borrowing and Debt Six Years after Graduation. Volume 17, Number 3, Fredericton, NB; December 2020.
The Class of 2012 Six Years On: Pursuing Education After a First Degree. Volume 17, Number 2, Fredericton, NB; June 2020.
Annual Digest: University Enrolment 2018-2019. Volume 17, Number 1, Fredericton, NB; January 2020.
The Class of 2012: Profile of First Degree Holders and Methodological Notes. Volume 16, Number 2, Fredericton, NB; June 2019. Please note that in the original publication, posted on June 18, 2019, the sample size for graduates of Prince Edward Island was incorrect. An updated version was posted on November 1, 2019.
Annual Digest: University Enrolment 2017-2018. Volume 16, Number 1, Fredericton, NB; January 2019.
Borrowing to Finance University Education: Class of 2014. Volume 15, Number 2, Fredericton, NB; September 2018.
Annual Digest: University Enrolment 2016-2017. Volume 15, Number 1, Fredericton, NB; January 2018.
The Class of 2014 Profile of First Degree Holders and Methodological Notes. Volume 14, Number 2, Fredericton, NB; June 2017.
Annual Digest: University Enrolment - 2015-2016. Volume 14, Number 1, Fredericton, NB; February 2017.
Class of 2012 Maritime University Graduates: Pathways to Employment. Volume 13, Number 2, Fredericton, NB; May 2016.
Annual Digest: University Enrolment - 2014-2015. Volume 13, Number 1, Fredericton, NB; January 2016.
Profile of Class of 2012 First Degree Holders and Methodological Notes. Volume 12, Number 3; September 2015.
Higher Education Expectations: The View From Grade 12. Volume 12, Number 2, Fredericton, NB; April 2015.
Annual Digest: University Enrolment - 2013-2014. Volume 12, Number 1, Fredericton, NB; February 2015.
Annual Digest: Credentials Granted - 2012. Volume 11, Number 2, Fredericton, NB; May 2014.
Annual Digest: University Enrolment - 2012-2013. Volume 11, Number 1, Fredericton, NB; February 2014.
Annual Digest: Credentials Granted - 2011. Volume 10, Number 3, Fredericton, NB; June 2013.
Annual Digest: University Enrolment - 2011-2012. Volume 10, Number 2, Fredericton, NB; May 2013.
Portable Learning: University Students Granted Credit for Prior Post-Secondary Education. Volume 10, Number 1, Fredericton, NB; January 2013.
Related Tables:
- Detailed breakdowns of demographic data and transfer data for the 2006 to 2009 cohorts for the 10 Maritime universities included in the study are available in the following tables:
- Table A: New full-time bachelor students by province of study and institution
- Table B: Profile of the entering class and percent transfer students
- Table C: Full-time transfer students by province of sending institution and type of sending institution
- Table D: Full-time transfer students by Discipline Cluster at the receiving institution
- Table E: Percentage of full-time transfer students by immigration status, province of permanent residence and location of sending institution
- Table F: Distribution of new full-time transfer students by number of credits granted
International Students in Maritime Universities. Volume 9, Number 3, Fredericton, NB; May 2012.
Related Tables:
- Table A: Number of international students enrolled in Maritime universities by country of citizenship: Top 20 countries in 2000-01, 2005-06 and 2010-11
- Table B: Number of international students enrolled in Maritime university by province of study and country of citizenship, 2010-11
Annual Digest: Enrolment and Credentials Granted - 2010-2011. Volume 9, Number 2, Fredericton, NB; March 2012.
Is Demand for University Education Shrinking Among Maritimers? Volume 9, Number 1, Fredericton, NB; February 2012.
Student Progression within University of First Entry: Persistence and Graduation. Volume 8, Number 1, Fredericton, NB; January 2010.
University Participation: A Maritime Perspective. Volume 7, Number 1, Fredericton, NB; June 2009.
Outcomes of Rural and Urban Maritime University Graduates. Volume 6, Number 1, June 2008.
Surveying the Enrolment Landscape: Update of Selected Tables and Figures. June 2008.
Surveying the Enrolment Landscape: Factors and Trends in Maritime University Enrolment: 2000-2001 to 2005-2006. Volume 5, Number 1, June 2007.
Related Tables:
- Undergraduate Enrolment by Province and University in the Maritimes: 2000-01 to 2006-07 (includes full-time and part-time enrolment)
- Full-time Equivalent of Undergraduate Enrolment by Province and University in the Maritimes: 2000-2001 to 2005-2006
- Undergraduate Enrolment by Province of Study, and University in the Maritimes, and Permanent Province of Residence: 2000-2001 to 2006-2007
- Full-time Undergraduate Enrolment at Memorial University of Newfoundland by Province of Origin: 1997-1998 to 2006-2007
- Tuition Fees (Undergraduate Arts and Sciences) by Province and University in the Maritimes: 1990-91, 2000-01 to 2006-2007
- Regression analysis of undergraduate enrolment on tuition fees in Atlantic universities
- Participation rates
Five Years After University Graduation: Status of the Maritime Class of 1999 in 2004 Survey Highlights. Fredericton, NB; Volume 4, Number 1, November 2005.
The Gender Gap in Employment Outcomes of University Graduates. Fredericton, NB; Volume 3, Number 1, March 2004.
Profile of Maritime University Students: Enrolment, Participation, and Degree Completion. Fredericton, NB; Volume 2, Number 1, October 2003.
Who Stays and Who Leaves: Mobility Patterns of Maritime University Graduates, Class of 1996 in 1997 and 2000. Fredericton, NB; Volume 1, Number 1, March 2002.