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The Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission Board

Greg Naterer With Boarder CEO
Greg Naterer
Catherine Stewart
MPHEC Chief Executive Officer

The MPHEC Board is composed of the Chief Executive Officer as well as 20 members appointed by the ministers responsible for post-secondary education in the Maritime

The Commission's composition adheres to the following pattern:

  • At least six of the 20 members must be appointed from each of three categories: nominees submitted by a committee consisting of executive heads of universities and representatives of senates or equivalent academic bodies (Category A), senior public officials and the executive head of non-university institutions (Category B), and the public-at-large (Category C).
  • At least one member of each group is to be drawn from each of the provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.
  • At least two members are students (within the public-at-large category).

The composition of the Board is a great asset for the Commission, especially in terms of dealing with stakeholder groups' expectations, as it aims to ensure that decisions are made from a regional collective perspective.

Commission members:

Institutional Representatives
(Category A)
Senior Public Officials
(Category B)
(Category C)
New Brunswick
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island

Ex-officio, non voting member: Catherine Stewart, Chief Executive Officer

To e-mail members, send an e-mail to mphec@mphec.ca and add the name of the member you wish to contact in the subject line.

Catherine Stewart
Ex-officio, non-voting member

New Brunswick

Elizabeth Dawes
Vice-rectrice adjointe à l'enseignement et aux affaires professorales, Université de Moncton
Category A: university; Expiry date of appointment: January 5, 2026

Petra Hauf
Provost and vice-president academic, University of New Brunswick
Category A: university; Expiry date of appointment: January 15, 2027

France Haché
Assistant Deputy Minister / Sous-ministre adjointe, Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour / Éducation postsecondaire, Formation et Travail
Category B: government; Expiry date of appointment: May 21, 2026

Lamia Kawtharani-Chami
Manager, Post-Secondary Relations Unit / Gérante, Secteur postsecondaire (Unité), Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour / Éducation postsecondaire, Formation et Travail
Category B: government; Expiry date of appointment: June 11, 2025

Brian E. H. Baxter
Category C: public-at-large; Expiry date of appointment: July 18, 2025

Jérémy Guy Belliveau
Category C: public-at-large; Expiry date of appointment: October 22, 2026


Nova Scotia

Amanda Cockshutt
Academic Vice-President & Provost, St. Francis Xavier University
Category A: university; Expiry date of appointment: November 1, 2025

Lori Francis
Vice President Academic and Provost, Mount Saint Vincent University
Category A: university; Expiry date of appointment: October 27, 2027

Category A: university; Expiry date of appointment: July 17, 2024

Cheryl To
Executive Director, Universities and Colleges, Advanced Education (NS)
Category B: government; Expiry date of appointment: January 15, 2025

Lindsay Wadden
Executive Director, Strategy, Policy and Partnerships, Advanced Education (NS)
Category B: government; Expiry date of appointment: August 1, 2027

Category B: government; Expiry date of appointment: August 1, 2023

Jeff Conrad
Category C: public-at-large; Expiry date of appointment: August 8, 2025

Martin Zelenietz, Ph.D.
Category C: public-at-large; Expiry date of appointment: November 30, 2025

Category C: public-at-large; Expiry date of appointment: June 27, 2024


Prince Edward Island

Greg Naterer (Chair / président)
Vice-President, Academic and Research, University of Prince Edward Island
Category A: university; Expiry date of appointment: March 2, 2027

Nicole Bellefleur
Director of Post Secondary & Continuing Education Workforce, Advanced Learning & Population
Category B: government; Expiry date of appointment: November 8, 2026

Patricia Shields
Vice President, Academic & Applied Research, Holland College
Category B: government; Expiry date of appointment: September 18, 2026

Category C: public-at-large; Expiry date of appointment: September 8, 2023



The tentative meeting dates for the upcoming year are:

  • February 12, 2025

  • February 28, 2025
  • April 30, 2025
  • June 25, 2025
  • August 27, 2025
  • October 8, 2025
  • November 26, 2025

The minutes of meetings are public (that is, available upon request) once approved by members and signed by the Chair. The minutes are available in the language of operation of the Commission only.

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