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Consultation with Stakeholders: Quality Assurance

Symposium: Strategic Options in a Changing Enrolment Landscape. Halifax NS; February 2008.

Submission to the Commission on Post-Secondary Education in New Brunswick. Fredericton, NB; April 2007. (Available in English only)


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Multi-Year Business Plan 2012-2013 to 2014-2015 . Fredericton, NB; February 2012

Annual Reports. Fredericton, NB; published annually since 1975.

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. The Class of 2018 in 2024: Profile of First-Degree Holders and Methodological Notes. Volume 22, Number 2, Fredericton, NB; February 2025.

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. Annual Digest: University Enrolment 2023-2024. Volume 22, Number 1, Fredericton, NB; January 2025.

Profile, Employment Outcomes, and Retention of Maritime University Bachelor’s Graduates: Engineering. Fredericton, NB; October 2024.

Assessment of the Nova Scotia College of Arts and Design’s Quality Assurance Policies and Procedures. Fredericton, NB; September 2024. (This document is available in the working language of the institution only.)

University Participation (2003-2004 to 2022-2023). Fredericton, NB; May 2024. 

Profile, Employment Outcomes, and Retention of Maritime University Bachelor’s Graduates: Education. Fredericton, NB; March 2024.

Profile, Employment Outcomes, and Retention of Maritime University Bachelor’s Graduates: Nursing. Fredericton, NB; February 2024.

Assessment of the University of Prince Edward Island’s Quality Assurance Policies and Procedures. Fredericton, NB; February 2024. (This document is available in the working language of the institution only.)

Assessment of Cape Breton University’s Quality Assurance Policies and Procedures. Fredericton, NB; February 2024. (This document is available in the working language of the institution only.)

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. Annual Digest: University Enrolment 2022-2023. Volume 21, Number 2, Fredericton, NB; January 2024.

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. The Class of 2020 in 2022: Post-Graduation Pathways of First-Degree Holders. Volume 21, Number 1, Fredericton, NB; January 2024.

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. Class of 2020: Borrowing and Debt Two Years After Graduation. Volume 20, Number 4, Fredericton, NB; November 2023.

Guidelines for Institutional Frameworks for Online and Technology-Supported Learning. Fredericton, NB; June 2023.

University Participation (2007-2008 to 2021-2022). Fredericton, NB; June 2023.

Rapport d’évaluation des politiques et des pratiques en matière d’assurance de la qualité de l’Université de Moncton. Fredericton, NB; May 2023. (This document is available in the working language of the institution only.)

Mobility and Activity of Recent University Graduates. Fredericton, NB; April 2023.

Employment Profile of Maritime University First-Degree Holders. Fredericton, NB; April 2023.

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. The Class of 2020 in 2022: Profile of First-Degree Holders and Methodological Notes. Volume 20, Number 3, Fredericton, NB; March 2023.

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Degree Progression. Volume 20, Number 2, Fredericton, NB; March 2023.

Multi-Year Business Plan 2022-2023 to 2024-2025. Fredericton, NB; February 2023.

Maritime University Certificate and Diploma Framework. Fredericton, NB; February 2023.

Infographic. How Full-Time are “Full-Time” Students? Fredericton, NB; January 2023.

Student Progression in the Maritime University System: Course Load, Term-to-term Persistence, and Stop-outs. Fredericton, NB; January 2023.

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. Annual Digest: University Enrolment 2021-2022. Volume 20, Number 1, Fredericton, NB; January 2023.

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. The First-Year University Student Population in the Maritimes: 2018-2019 and 2021-2022. Volume 19, Number 4, Fredericton, NB; December 2022.

Related information

2019 First-Year Maritime University Students (Comparison Report)
2022 First-Year Maritime University Students (Comparison Report)

Assessment of the University of New Brunswick’s Quality Assurance Policies and Procedures. Fredericton, NB; November 2022. (This document is available in the working language of the institution only.)

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. International Students in Maritime Universities 2010-2011 to 2020-2021. Volume 19, Number 3, Fredericton, NB; October 2022.

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. The Class of 2018 in 2020: The University Experience of Recent Bachelor’s Graduates. Volume 19, Number 2, Fredericton, NB; June 2022.

Student Progression in The Maritime University System: Time-to-degree. Fredericton, NB; June 2022.

Infographic. Pathways to a First Post-Secondary Education Credential. Fredericton, NB; May 2022.

Student Progression in the Maritime University System: Persistence and Graduation. Fredericton, NB; May 2022

Assessment of Saint Mary’s University’s Quality Assurance Policies and Procedures. Fredericton, NB; April 2022. (This document is available in the working language of the institution only.)

Assessment of St. Thomas University’s Quality Assurance Policies and Procedures. Fredericton, NB; March 2022. (This document is available in the working language of the institution only.)

Measures of Student Progress and Outcomes: University Participation (2006-2007 to 2020-2021). Fredericton, NB; February 2022.

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. Annual Digest: University Enrolment 2020-2021 Volume 19, Number 1, Fredericton, NB; January 2022

Employment Outcomes of Master’s and Doctoral Degree Graduates of Maritime Universities. Fredericton, NB; January 2022.

Infographic. Master’s and Doctoral Degree Graduates of Maritime Universities: Where were they living and what were they doing? Fredericton, NB; November 2021.

Infographic. Learning Outside the Classroom: Examining work-integrated learning experiences of recent university graduates. Fredericton, NB; September 2021.

Class of 2018 Maritime University Graduates’ Employment Profile. Fredericton, NB; May 2021.

Infographic. How were recent Maritime university graduates impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic? Fredericton, NB; April 2021.

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. The Class of 2018 in 2020: Profile of First-Degree Holders and Methodological Notes. Volume 18, Number 3, Fredericton, NB; April 2021.

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. University enrolment during the COVID-19 pandemic. Volume 18, Number 2, Fredericton, NB; March 2021.

2020-2021 preliminary enrolment statistics. Fredericton, NB; February 2021.

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. Annual Digest: University Enrolment 2019-2020 Volume 18, Number 1, Fredericton, NB; January 2021

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. Class of 2012 Maritime University Graduates: Borrowing and Debt Six Years after Graduation. Volume 17, Number 3, Fredericton, NB; December 2020.

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. The Class of 2012 Six Years On: Pursuing Education After a First Degree. Volume 17, Number 2, Fredericton, NB; June 2020.

Student Progression in the Maritime University System: Time-to-degree. Fredericton, NB; February 2020

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. Annual Digest: University Enrolment 2018-2019 Volume 17, Number 1, Fredericton, NB; January 2020

Student Progression in the Maritime University System: Persistence and Graduation. Fredericton, NB; October 2019

Class of 2012 Maritime University Graduates’ Employment Profile. Fredericton, NB; June 2019.

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. The Class of 2012: Profile of First Degree Holders and Methodological Notes. Volume 16, Number 2, Fredericton, NB; June 2019.

Measures of Student Progress and Outcomes: University Participation (2003-2004 to 2017-2018), Fredericton, NB; April 2019.

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. Annual Digest: University Enrolment - 2017-2018 Volume 16, Number 1, Fredericton, NB; January 2019

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. Borrowing to Finance University Education: Class of 2014 Volume 15, Number 2, Fredericton, NB; September 2018.

Student Progression in the Maritime University System: Time-to-degree. Fredericton, NB; June 2018

Student Progression in the Maritime University System: Persistence and Graduation. Fredericton, NB; May 2018

Multi-Year Business Plan 2018-2019 to 2020-2021. Fredericton, NB; May 2018

Maritime University Graduate Migration: Fifteen-Year Trend, Fredericton, NB; January 2018

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. Annual Digest: University Enrolment - 2016-2017 Volume 15, Number 1, Fredericton, NB; January 2018.

Infographic. Student Background, Time-To-Degree, and Graduate Outcomes. Fredericton, NB; October 2017.

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. The Class of 2014 Profile of First Degree Holders and Methodological Notes Volume 14, Number 2, Fredericton, NB; June 2017.

Class of 2014 Maritime University Graduates’ Employment Profile. Fredericton, NB; June 2017.

Infographic. Expectations for a university education: Comparing the outlook of Grade 12 students to the experience of recent university graduates. Fredericton, NB; March 2017.

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. Annual Digest: University Enrolment - 2015-2016 Volume 14, Number 1, Fredericton, NB; February 2017.

Infographic. Planning for university: What recent graduates’ experiences tell us. Fredericton, NB; January 2017.

Student Progression in the Maritime University System: Time-to-degree. Fredericton, NB; September 2016

Infographic. Two years on: where were graduates living, and what was their activity? Fredericton, NB; September 2016.

Infographic. How many years does it take to complete a first university degree?  The impact of student pathways on time-to-degree. Fredericton, NB; September 2016.

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. Class of 2012 Maritime University Graduates: Pathways to Employment Volume 13, Number 2, Fredericton, NB; May 2016.

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. Annual Digest: University Enrolment -
 Volume 13, Number 1, Fredericton, NB; January 2016.

Writing Learning Outcomes: Principles, Considerations, and Examples. Fredericton, NB; January 2016.

Guidelines for Maritime Universities' Quality Assurance Frameworks. Fredericton, NB; January 2016

Infographic. Do university-and college-bound students have different postsecondary education expectations? Fredericton, NB; November 2015.

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. Profile of Class of 2012 First Degree Holders and Methodological Notes Volume 12, Number 3, Fredericton, NB; September 2015.

Infographic. Are University Graduates Satisfied with their Education? Fredericton, NB; September 2015.

Infographic. Why Grade 12 Students Choose University. Fredericton, NB; September 2015.

Student Progression in the Maritime University System: Persistence and Graduation. Fredericton, NB; June 2015

Infographic. Student Progression in the Maritime University System. Fredericton, NB; June 2015.

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. Higher Education Expectations:  The View From Grade 12 Volume 12, Number 2, Fredericton, NB; April 2015.

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. Annual Digest: University Enrolment -
 Volume 12, Number 1, Fredericton, NB; February 2015.

Measures of Student Progress and Outcomes: University Participation (2003-04 to 2012-13), Fredericton, NB; June 2014

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. Annual Digest: Credentials Granted - 2012 Volume 11, Number 2, Fredericton, NB; May 2014.

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. Annual Digest: University Enrolment - 2012-2013 Volume 11, Number 1, Fredericton, NB; February 2014.

Students at the Heart: Stakeholder Reactions to the MPHEC’s Proposed Approach to Quality Assurance at Maritime Universities.  Fredericton, NB; September 2013.

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. Annual Digest: Credentials Granted - 2011 Volume 10, Number 3, Fredericton, NB; June 2013.

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. Annual Digest: University Enrolment -
Volume 10, Number 2, Fredericton, NB; May 2013.

Academic Program Assessment Prior to Implementation (Policy and Procedures). Fredericton, NB; March 2013.

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. Portable Learning: University Students Granted Credit for Prior Post-Secondary Education. Volume 10, Number 1, Fredericton, NB; January 2013.

Students at the Heart: Quality Assurance at Maritime Universities. Fredericton, NB; January 2013.

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. International Students in Maritime Universities. Volume 9, Number 3, Fredericton, NB; May 2012.

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. Annual Digest: Enrolment and Credentials Granted - 2010-2011 Volume 9, Number 2, Fredericton, NB; March 2012.

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. Is Demand for University Education Shrinking Among Maritimers? Volume 9, Number 1, Fredericton, NB; February 2012.

Policy on Quality Assurance: Academic Program Assessment Prior to Implementation (preliminary version for consultation purposes). Fredericton, NB; February 2011.

Two Years On: A Survey of Class of 2007 Maritime University Graduates. Fredericton, NB; January 2011.

Assessment of the Effectiveness and Benefits of Articulated Programs in the Maritimes. Fredericton, NB; October 2010.

Five years on: A Survey of Class of 2003 Maritime University Graduates. Fredericton, NB; June 2010.

MPHEC Multi-Year Business Plan 2009-2010 to 2011-2012. Fredericton, NB; February 2010.

Quality Assurance Policies and Procedures in Maritime Universities. Fredericton, NB; January 2010.

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. Student Progression within University of First Entry: Persistence and Graduation. Fredericton, NB; January 2010.

Assessment of the Atlantic School of Theology's Quality Assurance Policies and Procedures. Fredericton, NB; December 2009. (This document is available in the working language of the institution only.)

Assessment of Nova Scotia Agricultural College's Quality Assurance Policies and Procedures. Fredericton, NB; September 2009. (This document is available in the working language of the institution only.)

Assessment of St. Francis Xavier University's Quality Assurance Policies and Procedures. Fredericton, NB; September 2009. (This document is available in the working language of the institution only.)

Assessment of The University of King's College's Quality Assurance Policies and Procedures. Fredericton, NB; September 2009. (This document is available in the working language of the institution only.)

Assessment of Cape Breton University's Quality Assurance Policies and Procedures. Fredericton, NB; June 2009. (This document is available in the working language of the institution only.)

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. University Participation: A Maritime Perspective. Volume 7, Number 1, Fredericton, NB; June 2009.

Assessment of the University of Prince Edward Island's Quality Assurance Policies and Procedures. Fredericton, NB; April 2009. (This document is available in the working language of the institution only.)

Assessment of Mount Saint Vincent University's Quality Assurance Policies and Procedures. Fredericton, NB; March 2009. (This document is available in the working language of the institution only.)

Assessment of Saint Mary's University's Quality Assurance Policies and Procedures. Fredericton, NB; October 2008. (This document is available in the working language of the institution only.)

Highlights of Discussion - Symposium: Strategic Options in a Changing Enrolment Landscape. Fredericton, NB; August 2008.

Assessment of Nova Scotia College of Art and Design's Quality Assurance Policies and Procedures. Fredericton, NB; July 2008. (This document is available in the working language of the institution only.)

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. Outcomes of Rural and Urban Maritime University Graduates. Volume 6, Number 1, Fredericton, NB; June 2008.

Ad Hoc Committee on Programme Duplication: Report Fredericton, NB; April 2008.

MPHEC Financial Statements 2007-08. Fredericton, NB; March 2008.

Intentions of Maritime University Students Following Graduation: A Survey of Class of 2007. Fredericton, NB; January 2008.

Executive Summary: Intentions of Maritime University Students Following Graduation: A Survey of Class of 2007.Fredericton, NB; January 2008.

MPHEC Financial Statements 2006-07. Fredericton, NB; March 2007.

Assessment of Acadia University's Quality Assurance Policies and Procedures. Fredericton, NB; June 2007. (This document is available in the working language of the institution only.)

Évaluation de la politique et des pratiques de l'Université Sainte-Anne en matière d'assurance de la qualité.Fredericton, (N.-B.); juin 2007. (This document is available in the working language of the institution only.)

Two Years On: A Survey of Class of 2003 Maritime University Graduates. Fredericton, NB; May 2007.

MPHEC Financial Statements 2005-06. Fredericton, NB; March 2006.

Assessment of the University of New Brunswick's Quality Assurance Policies and Procedures. Fredericton, NB; November 2006. (This document is available in the working language of the institution only.)

Assessment of Mount Allison University's Quality Assurance Policies and Procedures. Fredericton, NB; August 2006. (This document is available in the working language of the institution only.)

Évaluation de la politique et des pratiques de l'Université de Moncton en matière d'assurance de la qualité.Fredericton, (N.-B.); août 2006. (This document is available in the working language of the institution only.)

Maritime Degree Level Qualifications Framework. Fredericton, NB; June 2006.

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. Surveying the Enrolment Landscape: Factors and Trends in Maritime University Enrolment 2000-2001 to 2006-2007. Fredericton, NB; Volume 5, Number 1, June 2007.

Five Years On: A Survey of Class of 1999 Maritime University Graduates. Fredericton, NB; May 2006.

MPHEC Multi-Year Business Plan 2006-2007 to 2008-2009. Fredericton, NB; March 2006.

R&D Funding in Atlantic Universities. Fredericton, NB; November 2005.

Trends in Maritimes Higher Education. Five Years After University Graduation: Status of the Maritime Class of 1999 in 2004 Survey Highlights. Fredericton, NB; Volume 4, Number 1, November 2005.

Policy on Quality Assurance. Fredericton, NB; May 2005.

A Lasting Legacy: the impact of family educational background on graduate outcomes. Fredericton, NB; September 2004.

Trends in Maritimes Higher Education. The Gender Gap in Employment Outcomes of University Graduates. Fredericton, NB; Volume 3, Number 1, March 2004.

Strategies for Faculty Renewal in the Maritimes. Fredericton, NB; October 2003.

Assessment of Dalhousie University's Quality Assurance Policies and Procedures. Fredericton, NB; September 2003. (This document is available in the working language of the institution only.)

Assessment of St.Thomas University's Quality Assurance Policies and Procedures. Fredericton, NB; September 2003. (This document is available in the working language of the institution only.)

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. Profile of Maritime University Students: Enrolment, Participation, and Degree Completion. Fredericton, NB; Volume 2, Number 1, October 2003.

MPHEC Multi-Year Business Plan 2003 - 2004 to 2005 - 2006. Fredericton, NB; June 2003

Survey of 1999 Maritime University Graduates in 2001. Fredericton, NB; April 2003.

Preliminary Assessment of the Effectiveness and Benefits of Articulated Programmes Delivered in the Maritimes.Fredericton, NB; March 2003

Faculty Recruitment and Retention in the Maritimes. Fredericton, NB; August 2002

Trends in Maritime Higher Education. Who stays and who leaves: Mobility Patterns of Maritime University Graduates, Class of 1996 in 1997 and 2000. Fredericton, NB; Volume 1, Number 1, March 2002.

2000 Follow-up Survey with the Class of 1996 Maritime University Graduates. Prepared by Ipsos Reid, Fredericton, NB; June 2001.

Report on Post-Secondary Research Trends in Atlantic Canada. Fredericton, NB; August 2000.

Securing our Future - A Renewal Strategy for Post-Secondary Research in Atlantic Canada. Fredericton, NB; August 2000.

Post-Secondary Research in Atlantic Canada: Institutional Profiles. Fredericton, NB; August 2000.

Report of the Task Force on Kinesiology, Health Education, Recreation/Leisure Studies and Related Studies.Fredericton, NB; January 2000.

Statistical Compendium. 5th Edition. Fredericton, NB; January 2000. 4th Edition, November 1997; 3rd Edition, October 1992; 2nd Edition, 1988; 1st Edition, March 1986.

Multi-Year Business Plan 2000/2001 through 2002/2003. Fredericton, NB; August 1999.

Policy on Quality Assurance. Fredericton, NB; February 1999.

Survey of 1996 University Graduates. Prepared by Baseline Market Research Ltd., Fredericton, NB; February 1998.

Accessibility to Post-secondary Education in the Maritimes. Fredericton, NB; November 1997.

Commission Consideration of Quality Assurance Options, Interim Report. Fredericton, NB; July 1997

Report to the Senate Subcommittee on Post-secondary Education. Fredericton, NB; February 1997.

Options for Quality Assurance in Higher Education in the Maritimes. Fredericton. NB; January 1997.

Maritime Provinces Post-Secondary Programme Profile. Fredericton, NB; published annually from September 1977 to September 1988 inclusively; April 1990; November 1991; October 1993; and December 1996.

Survey of 1995 University Graduates. Prepared by Baseline Market Research Ltd., Fredericton, NB; November 1996.

Report from the Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission to the Council of Maritime Premiers on the Future of the MPHEC. Fredericton, NB; September 1996.

Responses to Declining Government Funding - The Case of Differential Fees. Prepared by Frank Strain, Fredericton, NB; September 1996.

1995 Space Inventory. Fredericton, NB; August 1996.

Differential Fees for Foreign Graduate Students: Maritime Implications. Prepared by John D. McLaughlin, Ph.D., Fredericton, NB; June 1996.

Responding to Financial Challenges 1996-97. Fredericton, NB; April 1996.

Programme Review Policies and Procedures at Maritime Universities. Fredericton, NB; April 1996.

An Information Framework for Higher Education in the Maritimes. Prepared for the Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission by G. Grant Clarke, Edward DesRosiers, Stephen Hawkins. December 1995.

Financial Plan. Fredericton, NB; published annually from 1977 to 1995.

Co-operative Education in the Maritimes - A Statistical Profile. Prepared for the Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission by the Canadian Association for Co-operative Education - Atlantic. September 1994.

Strategy for Implementation of Recommendations for Maritime University System. Fredericton, NB; November 1993.

Role and Planned Capacity Report 2 - New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island Universities and General Regional Recommendations. In conjunction with the Nova Scotia Council on Higher Education; Fredericton, NB; November 1993.

Role and Planned Capacity Report 1 - Nova Scotia Universities. In conjunction with the Nova Scotia Council on Higher Education; Fredericton, NB; May 1991.

Learning Disabilities in Post-Secondary Education. Prepared by Margaret Golick, Ph.D.; Fredericton, NB; December 1988.

Student Aid for the 1990s. Student Aid Study Committee Report; Fredericton, NB; November 1988.

An MPHEC Initiative in Support of Institutional Programme Review. Fredericton, NB; August 1986.

MPHEC: Policies, Procedures and Activities. Fredericton, NB; February 1986.

Research Profile - Maritime Post-Secondary Institutions. Fredericton, NB; Summer 1983.

In Transition - Evolving Three-Year Regional Planning for Higher Education in the Maritime Provinces 1982-83 to 1984-85. Fredericton, NB; June 1982.

Maritime Provinces Post-Secondary Institutions - As We See Ourselves. Fredericton, NB; May 1981.

Telematics and Higher Education - A Report of the Colloquium. Fredericton, NB; January 1981.

Operations, Regulations and Procedural Guidelines. Fredericton, NB; January 1981.

Planning for the 80s - Evolving Three-Year Regional Planning for Higher Education in the Maritime Provinces 1980-81 to 1982-83. Fredericton, NB; April 1980.

Report of the Study of Financial Aid to Maritime Students. NB; March 1980.

Issues for the Eighties - Evolving Three-Year Regional Planning for Higher Education in the Maritime Provinces 1979-80 to 1981-82. Fredericton, NB; June 1979.

Balancing Needs and Resources - 1978 Update of the MPHEC's Evolving Three-Year Regional Planning for Higher Education in the Maritime Provinces. Fredericton, NB; January 1978.

In Process - Three-Year Regional Planning for Higher Education in the Maritime Provinces. Fredericton, NB; April 1977.

Research Report on Engineering Education in the Maritimes. Prepared by Dean L.W. Shemilt; Fredericton, NB; December 1976.

Higher Education in the Maritimes - 1976 - An Overview. Fredericton, NB; October 1976.

Legal Education in the Maritime Provinces. Prepared for the MPHEC by Dean D.A. Soberman; Fredericton, NB; August 1976.

Report of a Study of the Establishment of a School of Veterinary Medicine in the Atlantic Region. Prepared for the MPHEC by Dean D.G. Howell; Fredericton, NB; August 1975.

A Unique Regional Approach to Coordinating Higher Education. Brochure; Fredericton, NB; June 1975.

Report of the Committee on Higher Education in the French Sector of New Brunswick. Fredericton, NB; April 1975.

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